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Here you will find a list of websites and online resources that include information related to Perth. Where possible, I have also tried to detail how to navigate some of these websites. 

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Land Information Systems Tasmania (LIST) is an amazing resources where you can trace almost 200 years of land ownership, from being granted by the King or Queen until today. 

Here are some examples of property documents found on the LIST. These are conveyance documents for the land.  While they can be difficult to read at times, they all follow a similar pattern. They will include:

  • The date written out in full.

  • The name of the parties and this is normally written as "John Smith of Launceston, baker, of the first part and Jane Doe of Longford, Blacksmith, of the second part". The first part is the seller and the second part is the buyer. They will often include the occupation of the parties too (blacksmith, farmer, shopkeeper, gentleman, etc).

  • A description of the land. "All that piece and parcel of land or ground situated lying or being in the township of Perth and bounded in the front by 100 chains and thirty links by Frederick Street..." The old measurements are often used (links, chains, feet, etc). 

​The conveyances should all be in order so if you known who owned your land at some point you can then find out both who they bought the land from and who they subsequently sold it to. The only exception to this is when the landowner dies and the property is sold by the exectuor of the estate or the children. The description of the land should remain the same, unless it is subdivided and a separate deed/memorial for the transfer is created.  

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TROVE is a Commonwealth project to digitise materials across Australia. This includes numerous newspapers that are no longer in print. 

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Libraries Tasmania & Tasmanian archives

The Tasmanian Archives can be accessed through the Libraries Tasmania search feature.


Only a handful of the great photos and prints from the Tasmanian Archives are on this website. There are hundreads of fantastic items related to Perth on the Archives and available online. Even more are available in person that are yet to be digitised. 


Launceston historical society

The Launceston Historical Society provides talks, lectures, and archelogical excavations, and excursions for those interested in local history. 

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Tasmanian Historical research association

The Tasmanian Historical Research Association promotes research and publication on Tasmanian history. 

Julian burgess

Julian Burgess is a local author and historian who researchers and publishes on topics of Tasmanian history; particularly Northern Tasmania.

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